Carbon emissions and CSRD: a positive week on Ireland’s journey towards net-zero

Since announcing our €5 million expansion into the Irish market in May, we have experienced a busy few weeks. However, the past fortnight has been particularly encouraging due to several significant developments.
Irish greenhouse gas emissions lowest level in 30 years
It was recently reported that, the latest data from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) indicated that Ireland is on track to record its largest ever single-year reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, bringing emissions to their lowest level in three decades.
This is particularly positive in a year in which we have seen both a global and domestic push-back against the ‘green agenda’ and our journey towards net-zero emissions.
At Ground Control, we celebrated this news. As a company which places sustainable practices and biodiversity at the forefront of our operations, it is rewarding to see such progress.
In 2020, Ground Control achieved carbon-neutral certification and we have since focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions across our entire value chain. For instance, we now operate a fully electric fleet, 100% of our hand tool are battery powered, and we will have installed 10,000 EV charging stations by 2025. This is alongside continually exploring new, cutting-edge ways of reducing emissions.
Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive
Another significant milestone was achieved in Ireland - the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) was signed into Irish law by Minister for Enterprise Peter Burke.
The CSRD introduces new requirements for companies to report on the environmental, human rights and social impacts of their activities. The first tranche of requirements come into effect for large companies from 1 January 2025.
The new reporting requirements will compel companies to be more aware of the impact of their activities across the entire value chain and to be diligent in their data collection.
However, according to PwC’s 2024 Global CSRD Survey, data availability and quality (59%) are the single biggest concerns for companies in adhering to the CSRD.
Ground Control: one-stop solution
At Ground Control, we have spent the last 50 years putting biodiversity and sustainability at the fore of our operations.
Across the spectrum of our activities, from ground maintenance, to arboculture and winter maintenance, we offer our clients services that are carbon neutral, enhance and protect local biodiversity, and are powered by cutting edge technological solutions.
Our 'GC Go' app, used by all our field teams, is powered by AI and machine learning. It can accurately track the carbon emissions produced during the performance of specific tasks.
In practice, this not only provides our clients with the assurances that they are working with the most sustainable operators available, but also provides readily available, high-quality data which makes CSRD reporting seamless and reliable. The app can also be extended to all third-party contractors employed by that particular client, further streamlining the reporting process.
Our recent expansion in Ireland creates a new opportunity for companies as they embark on the journey of sustainability reporting.
If you would be interested in hearing how our solutions can be tailored to meet your companies needs, contact us below of email: